Thursday, December 15, 2005

Spinal Flow: Exercise

Here's another quick exercise to mellow out, calm down, and bring peace to your jumbled thoughts.
  • Sit straight, making a conscious effort to keep your spine (especially your neck) tall and straight, like a board and put your hands on your lap.
  • Your calf and thighs should be perpendicular - no putting them up on a coffee table or tucking them under your chair!
  • Make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground, flat. (you might have to adjust your chair if you have one like mine, your knees shouldn't be too high off the seat, nor should your feet have trouble reaching the ground.
  • Breathe in slowly through your nose, feeling the cool air running through your nostrils and down the back of your throat, into your lungs. (Optional)Picture that air is a mellow white light, softly glowing.
  • Each time you inhale, sit straighter, each time you exhale, relax your shoulders but not your neck..
  • (Optional)Each time you do this, picture the soft mellow white light flowing from your lungs into your spine, up and down your spine like water does on a beach.
  • (Optional)Breathe out, the flow goes down, breathe in, the flow goes up.
As you do this exercise, observe how the air you intake is assimilated into your body. This is a skill you'll pick up gradually, especially in Yoga and QiGong and Tai Chi. The more you observe, the more you'll notice.

I will post another exercise to build on this one soon :) Let me know what you experience, feel free to share!

1 comment:

Em said...

Thanks a lot Kira! :D