Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Yet another update ;)

Hello Friends :)

I did indeed get the operation done and it went very well. I stayed in the hospital for almost a week before the operation, and had complications that were well taken care of. Thank you for your concern and well wishes, as you must by now know how much I treasure both. Although I'm not better in terms of tiredness, it did take away most of the abdominal pain I've been having the past couple of years.. so hopefully my fibro will take a cue and get better!
I'm trying my hardest to get well enough to do in person readings, but I'm not yet up to that standard yet. But hopefully this Autumn energy will give me a push too, as it's always the best time for readings.

Anyways, gotta rest! I hope you're all in good health and spirits.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Hello friends!

Just a quick message to say that I've been in hospital and doctors' offices on and off.. I need to have surgery this coming month and perhaps sooner. I have great faith that this will cure me of a great deal of the pain I've been experiencing, although the Cards point to complications - so I'm preparing best I can to avoid them.
Prayers are more than welcome, of any faith or philosophy. :)
Thank you for your continued patience and prayers,
Emilie Lucy

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Emailing Issues..!

Lately I've been getting a few people telling me that they don't recieve my emails. If you're wondering where my email has gone, please contact me so that I can re-send the letters. I keep them all saved in the Sent folder until I'm sure all is okay with the reading and mail.

I will be contacting Rogers about this issue and if it's not solved in the next month or so, I will be moving to another address, another company. I will post the new email here and in the monthly newsletter.

Anyways, as always Fate usually has a hand in these things so I can't wait to find out why :)

BTW, my last health reading showed that this Summer is a big turnaround healthwise. The spirits seemed very optimistic. I'm always wary of self-readings, but I am choosing to believe this with all my heart, I can't wait to meet face to face again!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Hello, again another note on my illness making things slower! I have faith and I have seen my future brighter and healthier, now just takes a bit of patience on my part - and I greatly thank you for your patience with me.

Hugs and good health to you,
Emilie Lucy