Sunday, November 26, 2006

FAQ: Is the Tarot for Skeptics too?

Recently, I had a few skeptics ask me if Tarot Reading was still relevant. I say: absolutely! Even if you don't believe in the Tarot spiritually, it can be a useful secular tool for even the driest of skeptics.

Tarot Wisdom
Each Card is a different life lesson, timelessly applicable to the human condition. Different combinations of Cards can also create completely different life lessons and variations, therefore the Tarot have almost limitless and wise experiences to share with us. The Tarot guide you into a solution with any random combination of these life lessons. Again, this is if you don't want to take the spiritual side of the Tarot in consideration.

For example, say you were having financial difficulties and you wanted advice. My role would be to shuffle, deal, and interpret the Cards' face value - without using any intuition. I have done this before and find that there is still much wisdom. I show here the Kind of Swords, if you were having financial difficulties, the advice I would give you (if the Card was on its own):
  • Do your research when investing, don't trust someone less intelligent than yourself work with your finances.
  • Come up with creative side projects, use a team of people and lead them, inspire them, and coach them new communications skills in order to make this business work. Make sure you hire someone who is a business person, as you are the brain behind this job, not the business.
  • Read a book about managing your finances.
  • Be honest, tactfully, about those who are wasting your money or a collective money pool. It's time to make some rules you can all agree upon. If there are children present, it's time to set guidelines and allowances that conform to your budget. Be fair, but don't be weak hearted. Be as objective as possible.
  • Don't use corrupted brokers, sometimes that risk is ripe for the picking, but this time - stay on the safe side. That is, research the broker - make sure they're worth your time and money.
  • Make goals on a weekly and monthly basis to keep your eye on the prize.
  • Make a game out of your finances if you have children, so they don't just get allowance money for nothing! Put them to work, and make it a game (use chores or homework).
Of course I would use more than one Card in such a reading, so it would have more specific guidance as more Cards would be laid out.

Sometimes people need random information in order to:
  • Unlock ideas they already had
  • Give ideas they wouldn't have thought about in their current mindset or situation
  • Give a feeling of brainstorming, which is productive and feels like you're moving forward
  • Elaborate on ideas they already had
  • Find negatives and positives of ideas they already had, or completely new ideas. Like a pros and cons list
  • Brainstorm your way out of problems
  • Come up with a random solution if they're having a hard time deciding
  • And of course much more.
What else can you take from it?
Random information is not all you get from a Tarot Reading, even if you don't believe in the spiritual aspect. You also get guidance from someone who's met many different kinds of people, and discussed countless problems: and probably the same problem you're having now. People are often surprised when I tell them the secret question they asked me (which they thought was freakish) was a regularly asked question. This can often make you feel better about your situation. Tarot Readers, good ones, are also often innate problem solvers and emotionally sensitive people - ideal for helping you with your problem. We're also sworn to secrecy, so your identity will remain hidden. Good Readers are also nonjudgmental of your situation, as we have learned through studying the Tarot how to be empathetic; with some obvious exceptions, we believe that everyone is inherently good - even if appearances say otherwise.

Oracles of Randomness
Those skeptical of the metaphysical side of Cards cannot deny the usefulness of a random archetype generator. Like flipping a coin or turning a wheel of fortune, random decisions often help in times of indecisiveness. There is nothing more frustrating in the decision making process than freezing up, and wasting time with that kind of block.
Since the beginning of Human Kind, people have used Oracles in just such a way - except some add spirituality to the mix. When going into battle, isn't it better for the psyche to know you're going to do well? And to know tips for your strategy in just such a battle, no matter how random, can be the difference between a messy battle - and a battle fought by people with sureness on their side?

Of course Tarot Readings are not for everyone, but I believe they are for most people. Then again, I'm an avid Tarot enthusiast!! ;)

Friday, October 20, 2006

Finally, some New Stuff: Psychic Portraits Introduction

I'm so excited about this new idea, as well as excited about the progress I'm making at getting better. I'm not nearly close to doing in person readings, but I think sometime soon I will be able to try again. Okay, in the meantime, I am setting up a waiting list of sorts that may interest you, and which I will talk about in a new Newsletter, set to send in the first or second week of November.

Psychic Portraits

Either painted, sketched, inked, or photo printed - I'm going to offer something that combines my abilities as a medium/psychic, with my abilities as an artist. Here's how it works.

I will sit with you, and take notes about what I see psychically - I'll ask you a few questions, take your photograph, and then the session will be done. After that the work begins. I will add aura, spirits, and impressions, which I get from you during the session, to either a photograph, a painting, or an ink or otherwise.

I am working on friends' portraits so that I can show you what I mean, one in photo, one painted, and one inked or otherwise. That way you can have a better idea of what I'm talking/typing about.

If you're interested and would like to be put on a waiting list, email me! More to come in the following weeks.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Good news, I think.

Right now I am on a new medicine that shows a lot of promise in controlling my pain. It makes me pretty sleepy all the time, but apparently I'll get used to it and the sleepiness will cease. I am also getting more sleep and starting to be able to exercise more (for now). So, barring another worsening (flare up) I think I'm upwardly mobile. I will send out my newsletter soon (see the end of this post to sign up to the mailing list) when I start to feel well enough to do more email readings.. And remember please to confirm your subscription when Bravenet emails you.

Have a wonderful week,

Join the Mailing List

Enter your name and email address below:




Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Hello everyone!

It's been difficult to get much done with my health being the way it is lately, however I am still slowly working on the readings which I have promised. I am also still working on making my own Tarot deck, which is quite therapeutic. I'm almost ready to start the final draft, as over the past two years I have worked on the concepts and how the Cards would flow from one to the next.

I am also, during this process, honing my skills, and hope to be an even better Reader and Medium when I am able to get back into doing in-person readings, and more email readings. Right now I try to keep the readings to a minimal as I need to focus on getting a grip on this rather annoying disability.

I hope you're all well, and thank you for your words of kindness during this time!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Rebuilding, hopefully

Just wanted to let everyone know: I am trying to do in-person readings with family and friends in order to get used to, and measure how long it will take me to get back into in-person readings. I really miss doing it in person, as I enjoy seeing happy faces and meaningful emotions come from readings.

I'll keep you posted as always. :)

Friday, May 19, 2006

If I haven't Replied to your Email: *updated June 22nd*

**Update** I have also been having problems with my internet connection since that big thunderstorm four or five days ago.. I am hoping to have this problem resolved by the end of the week. Sorry 'bout that :)

Hello friends!

I've been experiencing some severe insomnia followed by bouts of somnolence, and my memory and schedule have been thrown off. I am starting to write more things down to remember, but in the process have lost my place in my email responding. It's not like I get hundreds of emails a day, but I want to answer to everyone when I can, every email is important. So if I haven't yet responded to your email, please email me back and I will write it down and reply as soon as possible!

Thank you for your understanding!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Quick Update

Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that I have been unable to do much of anything these past couple of weeks, but I am hopefully on the up and up as the weather improves. I have not forgotten about any of the readings I am doing and will get them finished as soon as I can.

I will also get my latest article about the Spirtual Plane published here and can't wait to share it with you!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 31, 2006

Happy Spring!

BirdHello Friends!

I still am not able to do in-person readings, and I am taking it slow on the email readings, but the good weather is starting to help with my symptoms. I hope to do more email readings, and take less time, during the latter part of Spring.

I also hope to work more on getting some good meditation articles here to share with you, and continue to update you on my status.

Thank you for your continued support!


Monday, March 06, 2006

Still here!

Hello friends!

Excuse the silence, as my health has still stifled any updates/articles, as well as it is delaying the times I respond to my emails. I still get and read them!! But it does take some time to reply. For the next few days, please excuse the silence, even on email. I will try to reply, but in case I don't, know that I'm still going to respond!
As it stands now, I'm not taking any new readings, at least not this week or next week - but I will finish the readings I have already agreed to! I will let you know when I am able to do readings this month.
Until then, I appreciate all of your emails and well wishes!!

Emilie Lucy.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Postcard (or Card) Promotion! *updated*

*Update* Someone recently sent me a card instead of a postcard, and that's a-ok! Wonderful!

*Update #2* Many people have asked me where to get these postcards and greeting cards. One of the best places I have found: pet stores.

Many of you have expressed how you miss the promotions I used to do when I was healthier.
Well, I'm still not healthier, but I miss the promotions as well, because it meant that I was reading for a variety of people, a variety of questions, new situations, and it was a lower pressure way of developing my skills and pleasing people.
I like to make my promotions fun, and since they are promotions - it's a great way to meet new people who may want readings in the future. I don't get out much either, and this is a good way for me to have human contact.. lol. Anyways, let's get to the promotion details!

Title: Postcard Promotion

Time Running: January 11th until I say otherwise, this might be a long running promotion, or it might be a couple of months.

Cost to You: The cost of a cute postcard or greeting card, envelope, and a stamp!

What do you do? Well, it's very simple, and very inexpensive. You buy a postcard or card (I'll let you know the subject later on in this post), don't write on it or anything, put it in an envelope with a separate note stating: 1) Your Name 2) Email Address 3) Which Question out of the questions allowed you want to ask. When I get this in my mailbox, I will immediately get to work on the question and email you as soon as it is done.

Promotion Questions: The reading is not going to be very long, a paragraph - but a lot of information can be stuffed into a paragraph, and if anything really important comes through, I will make it as long as needed.
  1. What notable things will happen in the next month?
  2. What is the most important love advice you can give this year?
  3. What is the most important financial advice you can give this year?
  4. What is the most important family advice you can give this year?
  5. What is the most important business advice you can give this year?
  6. What is the most important travel advice you can give this year?
  7. What is the most important pet advice you can give this year?
  8. What is the most important self-amelioration advice you can give this year?
  9. What is the theme for 2006 in my life?
  10. What is the theme for 2006 in my love life?
  11. What is the theme for 2006 in my business/career life?
  12. What is the theme for 2006 in my family life?
  13. What is the theme for 2006 in my travels?
  14. What is the most important warning you can give me this year?
  15. Tell me about the next man/woman I will fall in love with.
  16. Tell me about the man/woman I will marry.
  17. Tell me about any future children I may have?
  18. Give me ways to be happier this year.
  19. Give me ways to be more productive this year.
  20. Give me ways to avoid negative people this year.
Have a short question that's not on the list? Email me and I'll see if it works for this promotion.

What kind of postcards do I want?
Simple photos of cute animals, especially squirrels, rabbits, guinea pigs and other small furry or cute animals. Other suggestions are cats/kittens, dogs/puppies, deer, exotic animals, bears, turtles, penguins, cows, other farm animals, etc.

Questions you might ask about the Postcard Promotion:
1) Why can't you choose our own customized questions? Well, if I did that, then the questions may be longer than a short answer question can work with. This would also add much confusion, many emails, and too much work for my sick self to do! If you have a longer question, simply disregard this promotion and we'll handle it the good old fashioned way. This promotion is a little fun reading. I may, in the future, ask for suggestions for questions if this promotion goes well.
2) Why animal postcards? They're cute, and make me smile. I stick them on my wall, and they make my life that much brighter.
3) Do you accept greeting cards with animals, instead of postcards? Yes, that'll do.
4) Can I do this promotion more than once? Yes, once a month you are able to do this promotion, as long as the promotion is still running. I will post it on this site if I stop.

Feel free to post questions in the Comments section, I would be pleased to answer them. Also, let me know what you think of this promotion!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Happy Chinese New Year !!

The Year of the Fire Dog!

I would like to wish you all a fortunate and productive cycle, and let the Year of the Dog bring you closer to family and friends. I'm afraid I don't have time to write what I think this year of the Dog will bring, but hopefully these links will please you!!

Click on the Dog print to learn more about Chinese New Year, and to see a lovely calendar of this year.

Click here to see your Horoscope (and to find out what sign you are) for this Chinese Year.

Click here to see TONS of great info on the Year of the Dog, and if you go to the bottom of the page, you can see how this year affects your particular sign!

Forbes has an article on this Year of the Dog, and has a forecast for each sign. Great! Click here to read it.

Also, check out this amazing Feng Shui almanac at Dragon-Gate, which I enjoy. (It's where the little red dragon at the top of the page comes from too.)

Send Chinese New Year E-Card to your family and friends.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Nervous about Elections?

Even though I'm going through a flare up, I had this meditation exercise in draft, so I'm going to share it with you now - since this is the time we all need to relax as much as possible! Remember that the universe has a plan for us individually, us as a country, and us as a planet - and nothing happens without a purpose. Who so ever wins this election will have to follow this plan, whether they like it or not - or whether they know it or not, and even whether they believe in it or not.

I hope to also show this exercise to others I know, and I encourage you to send it to your friends if you wish - as we could all do with a quick and easy meditation session!

Here's a meditation exercise, a simplified form of progressive muscle relaxation, (it's best to do this while listening to calming music, like SomaFM Radio's Drone Zone, or Radio Tabla):
  1. Lay down with a pillow under your head and another one under your knees (optional, but it's more comfortable)
  2. Breathe in slowly through your nose for a count of 6, and out through your pursed lips (like you're whistling, but without sound) for a count of 15. Get used to this breathing for a few minutes before you continue to the next step. (This is easy to memorize, but you can also copy and paste this into a word document and print it out if you wish.)
  3. Think of each muscle from your toes to your nose, tense them all up for that inward respiration (6 seconds or count to 6) but tense them up only once, and then relax them all slowly for a count of 15. Another option for this is going through each muscle at a time from toes to face, each breath cycle being one more group. The optional method is more effective, but it takes a lot longer, of course depending on how down to detail you get. I suggest you can also just focus on muscle groups: leg muscles, abdominal, arms, neck and shoulders, and face.
  4. Continue breathing, and feel like your body is slowly melting into the carpet, like a marshmallow in the microwave or snow under a warm joyful sun.. This should relax you plenty. Do this for 15 minutes to an hour (or more!), and your body will release plenty of happy endorphins.
Click on the picture of White Tara to visit an amazing audio-lesson meditation site.

Friday, January 13, 2006


Sorry to say I have a bad FMS flareup and need to take things slowly, which means both my weblogs will be taking a break for a few days. But as soon as I am well enough, I have some really good posts to share with you on developing psychic ability!

Readings that I am currently working on will go on as normal, but I may be slow in responding to your emails, but I do get them!!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Chakra Series #2: The Sacral Chakra

Hoping to get you familiar with the Chakras for future articles on meditation, this is the second in the Chakra Series, the Svadhisthana Chakra, or Sacral Chakra.
Right is a picture (I quickly sketched it, it's not perfect!) of the Sacral Chakra. It rules sexuality, gender, sensuality, creativity, life energy, the ability to procreate, taste, and can be equated to the Fifth House of Astrology in many ways (but not all). This is the Sweet spot of the Chakra system, literally Svadhisthana means sweetness/loveliness. This Chakra can be represented by a Crescent moon, water animals, and Venus. Its element is water, and its colour is orange. When I have a little more energy (when my Sacral Chakra has time to regenerate enough energy) I will post a meditation for this Chakra.

This Chakra is a very feminine Chakra, and people with a blocked Sacral Chakra usually have a lot of reproductive problems, feminine identity problems, aggression issues, sexual dysfunctions, apathy, back pain, urinary tract problems, lack of control of physical desires, and feel creatively blocked often. This will not only manifest physically, mentally, and emotionally - but the Chakras are a crossroads for all parts of the human being, including the spirit. To balance this Chakra is to open up a balanced spiritual self to psychic receptivity and mediumship, a blocked Sacral Chakra will cause messages from the other side, future, and divinity to be hazy, choppy, and hard to comprehend. At times when my Sacral Chakra is blocked, I do an intensive balancing of this Chakra before doing any readings or communications. This is sometimes time-consuming, but well worth it, as a clear Sacral Chakra can create the most intensely clear messages from the other side. This is another upside to email readings, as I am able to continuously do exercises to clear this Chakra - whereas in person-to-person readings I'm on a tight schedule and need to do things as quickly as possible to conserve energy and give my patron as much reading for their money as possible. When doing email readings, I can take breaks from the reading when a Chakra becomes blocked.

So what can you do to clear this Chakra? Here is my suggested exercise..

The Loving Body
What you'll need:
  • A piece of paper
  • Coloured Pencils, crayons, paints, or whatever kind of writing instrument you can find - the colours are: Orange, Yellow, Red.
  • Black or Red fine tip pen
  • A calm quite and peaceful place (if possible)
  • And here are some suggestions to make this more effective, but they are optional:
    • Scents that aid in this are: Orange, Ylang-Ylang, Pepper, Sandalwood, Vanilla, "Opium" smell, Musky smells. If you have no scented oils, I suggest you get an orange and peel it slowly while inhaling the smell.
    • Relaxing New-Age, exotic is best (Ravi Shankar, Sheila Chandra), I really enjoy the online station "Life is Round" as it is full of very calming music, and it's free!
    • Drink decaf or mild coffee, or dandelion tea, or raspberry leaf tea. You can find dandelion tea at most health food stores, drug stores, or big chains like Wal Mart, Zellers, etc.
    • Have bright diffused light, or bright yellow lighting. NOT fluorescent lights! BAD!
    • Dress in sensual fabrics, like satin, silk, very comfortable PJ's, etc. Something very comfortable.
Now for the exercise itself.. Make sure you have a 30 minute period, at least, to do this exercise. Smaller periods are still effective, but to get real results it's good to take a nice big chunk of time and devote yourself to balancing the Chakra.
  1. Sit comfortably, either at a table, or with a book on your lap as you curl up on the couch - and position yourself comfortably enough with your three coloured pencils.
  2. Draw your version of the Sacral Chakra, and use your imagination. You can make it a sun, a flower, a funnel, a face, anything you want. Make it detailed, intricate, but make it a fun rambling picture, where you can experiment with the three colours interacting. Little lines are best, that follow each other like race tracks - but you can experiment with different sizes of lines.
  3. Around this, or in between tiny lines, or big lines, or on lines, wherever your creativity leads you, write 6 things you like about yourself physically.
  4. Write six things you love (could be food, material goods, tv shows, music etc)
  5. Write six things you could do to bring more comfort and sensual pleasure into your life (take up yoga, get heatable slippers, get a massage, eat more healthily but make room for chocolate, etc).
  6. Write six things you like about your personality
  7. Write six of your life accomplishments
  8. Write six words that describe you, positively.
  9. Keep your Chakra for future reference, and you can make a collection of these sunny Sacral Chakras to remind you of your own inner and outer beauty, as well as the beauty of the world around you. Try to do at least two of the things on your list (#5), during the next week or month.